October 6, 2010
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to Wan Yee~
Happy Birthday to YOU~
This was the song running in my head that day.
I know I do not have a nice voice,
but I just want you to enjoy your birthday
as how it should be - Beautiful
Since I do not own a car,
and I wouldn't want her to travel a long distance
with an inconvenient way,
so I took her to midvalley
where it's more easy for her to go to.
I had this day BOOKED,
and she said she'll follow what i planned..
I did put some effort on it,
though it doesn't look that GRAND. :D
At first I thought we'll be meeting IN the train,
but it doesn't turn it that way,
I went into one train earlier than the one she went in..>.<
Should have check before i go in huh..
we meet at the train station,
and the 1st thing I had in mind when I 1st saw her was..
"Wow! She's different today!"
Maybe I'm just being nervous,
but somehow,
I do not know if it's the hair,
or her outfit,
or even her smile,
I had my eyes on her that moment..:p
We went for shopping,
or merely a window shopping
which I'm pretty sure it's one of her favorite :D
While she was trying some of the clothes.
(She likes this alot~ :D)
After a noon 'JOG',
We went for a MOVIEEee~

I never know it's NOT a love story until I watched it.XD
It's not bad though,
at least we did not fell asleep..haha
In a way,
that moment in the cinema was unforgettable.
Holding her hands just somehow warm my heart~ :p
Some narcissism pictures while shopping here and there~
and lastly we went for dinner.
I do not know there aren't much restaurants there,
and since I promised her to buy her cake,
Secret recipe is the dinner for the day!

I bought her some presents earlier,
and I even made a card for her~ :p
Not very nice though,
but I think she likes the card more than the presents..XD
the worst is..
I forgotten to take some pictures of both the presents
and the card before I gave her!!!
Guess she's the only one gets to see it..haha
That's quite the end of the day,
in short..:)
and dear~
Hope you had fun that day
and may all your wishes come true~
Happy Birthday~ :)
2:02 AM
It's her birthday~♥
October 5, 2010
Woohoo!It's already holiday!!
not to mention that yesterday was her birthday!
Happy Belated Birthday AGAIN~ XD
i was able to celebrate for her that day.
I'm not really sure it went well.
though it wasn't as what I planned,
i'll still give myself a "PASS" for this celebration,
since it's kinda the 1st time planning someone's birthday,
someone special~ :p
I'll sure to give you a surprise next time~ heh
I wanted to update more about that day,
but yet,
I wish to blog it with pictures in it.
there will be another post coming soon with PICTURESssss..i think..XD
This is just for the time being,
since i do not know what to write other than that.
I want you to know that
even though it's been just a short time since that day,
I somehow knew my heart belongs to you,
and it will stay the same
no matter what happens...
no matter how much I need to face...
I believe this love is true,
for what I had felt,
I know that
I love you~♥
6:10 AM
"I wish you would write something to me,
or something about me,
even though i knew i'm being selfish,
i just wish that i'm more that who I am now"
I do not know what to write,
but due to the time being,
this is what i was thinking...:D
5:51 AM